The Council of Engineering & Scientific Specialty Boards
The recognized accreditation body for engineering and scientific certification and specialty certification programs.
About CESB
A description of the history, organization, governance of CESB.
A listing of those organizations that comprise CESB.
Accredited Certification Programs
A listing of the certification programs which are accredited by CESB or for which accreditation is pending.
Accreditation Guidelines
The complete text of the requirements to which certification programs must conform to be accredited by CESB.
Downloadable and online application forms for Organization Membership and Certification Program Accreditation.
Tutorial Video
A line-by-line explanation of the accreditation application process with detailed instructions for filling out the forms and attaching necessary documentation.
Link to CESB member organizations for detailed information about certification programs and applications.
Papers related to engineering and scientific credentials and certification
Directory of Accredited Engineering & Technology Certification Programs
Annual publication highlighting programs certified by CESB
Communicate with CESB
Communicate with CESB via mail, phone, FAX or E-mail